Monday, September 21, 2009

Reflection of the Day

I feel like this past month I have been neglecting key elements of my life and have been quite lazy in other areas. Chalking it up to having relocated I find myself in a state of passiveness which I am starting to resent. Its been a month now that I've been in Chicago. It scares me a bit how quickly time has passed, it seems just yesterday I was unpacking my things. It also scares me how little things have changed. That will change...

Honeymoon is over, the luster and shine of being in a new place has been replaced by the knowledge that work is still work no matter where you go. Stress and anxiety will follow you regardless of location - same feeling new place. That being said I am loving the city, it still gives me a sense of renewal and hopefulness that I feel I was lacking back in Boston. I am confident that this month will bring about more change (good or bad) that will hopefully bring me out of this passive state.

Today I am grateful for my understanding of what I have taken for granted. I came home to find a sign on my door declaring that due to construction my building would be without water. Needless to say my day plans are now shot, I then proceeded to complain all day. Upon further reflection I realized how much I take for granted that when I turn on the tap water comes out. Instead of bemoaning that for eight hours of one day I will be without water I should be praising the fact that for the rest of the time it does. Needless to say this puts my predicament in a greater light.

So here's to hoping that the next month will bring about just as many revelations, changes, and accomplishments...

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