Monday, September 7, 2009

Zachary Quinto

No for the five billionth time I don't watch Heroes! It seems since the show started everyone has asked me why not - mainly because I'm not a huge TV watcher and because adding more fuel to the fact that I am a complete nerd would possible cause an inferno...and then I watched Star Trek (yes I understand how hypocritical I sound in this statement but the Star Trek franchise was well established before the concept of Heroes was even hatched). Needless to say I was blown away by not only the film but by Spock (aka Zachary Quinto).

So on a whim (okay while putting off reading the encyclopedia-like stack of psychology books I have to read) I decided to see if he's been in anything else. Of course as soon as I type in his name a ton of Heroes stuff pops up. I was vaguely aware he was in the show, what I was not aware of was that he was a serial killer who plays in peoples might have me hooked right there.

An actor who can play a serial killer as well as play one of the most recognizable characters of geekdom and still look good doing it...count me in.

Forgot to mention funny. I've seen the hostage tape he posted on but this fan made video really made me smile....

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