Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Water for Elephants

Amongst the chaos that surrounded unpacking my new apartment I did manage to finish Sara Gruen's novel "Water for Elephants." The book is told in flashbacks by a man named Jacob Jankowski who remembers his days as part of a traveling circus.

I picked this up after seeing it on so many 'Must Read' lists and always being displayed prominently at just about every local bookstore. I am glad I decided to pick it up as it is one of my favorite books I've read so far this year. I particularly enjoyed the historical aspect of this book. Gruen (as per the ending notes and her website) took particular care in researching traveling circuses, including the language used by those working on such circuses.

I was also impressed by the authors portrayal of Jacob during his elderly years. Very rarely do I pick up a novel now-a-days where the main character is or is portrayed during his golden years. Told with humor and wit, the character of Jacob defies the stereotypes that are commonly associated with those of old age, which I found to be quite refreshing.

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed this book. An easy read, that held me captivated from page one - something (I will admit) is not an easy feat. I highly recommend reading it if you get a chance, as I type this right now I have already lent my copy out...

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