Monday, June 2, 2008

Sex and the City: the movie

I saw The Sex and the City: The movie on opening night at midnight in Boston. As we got there quite early I had the opportunity to people watch the mainly female audience as they streamed into the large theatre. There were those who fully realized that this movie was at 12 midnight and were dressed in sweatpants and a big t-shirts. And then there were women in mini-skirts and tiny tops who looked like they just stepped off of the movie's set. Either way all these different women came together for the sole purpose of spending two hours watching four women that America has come to love.

As the lights dimmed the shrieks happend as the Sex and the City theme song came on. For the purposes of not ruining the plot I wont say to much but I will say this...the movie was great. If you are a huge SATC fan than I highly suggest going to it. Even if you only watch it occasionally watch it on TBS I would reccomend going. If you were only mildly attached then wait till it comes out on video. The movie is a long one (about 2 hours), but it had an odd feel to it. I don't know if its because I am not used to seeing some of my favorite characters for so long or because it was on the big screen. Also there was no real emphasis on Carrie's column, which is one of my favorite aspects of the show so it was a bit of a disappoinment. The writers of the movie did well in trying to fill in the audience on what has happend to these four women over the course of the years since we have watched them stumble through love on HBO. Much has changed for all four but they come together back in NY for Carrie and Big's wedding (yikes!). Needless to say this provides the majority of the drama of the movie.

I am definitely happy that I saw this movie, but am not sure how other SATC fans are reacting (numbers for people who saw the movie- does not mean reviews) to there characters. I am not sure if its because we see them out of their singledom or because the movie surrounds weddings, or if its just odd to place the characters in a full screen movie...either way I felt a bit odd when leaving the theate. I was satisfied but not in the big way I thought I would be. Either way I reccomend going to see it!

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