Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Cooking: Quiche with Ham and Cheese

Today was pretty much a day filled with last minute paper - work and things I've put off for the past week and a half. That being said, I did manage to cook up this quiche courtesy of Start Cooking (http://www.startcooking.com/).

Start Cooking is the website for people like me who have lived for years on microwavable meals and pre-packaged foods. Not only are there easy to follow videos with printable recipes, but there are also instructions on things such as how to measure, cut, marinate, etc.

Needless to say for people like me who can barely boil water this website is perfect. While I had intended to take a picture of the quiche I created I got a little over-zealous about eating it, thus ruining the perfect photo-op. But as I believe in visuals here is the video that helped in the making of my Tuesday night dinner:

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