Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away

If you don’t like the weather in New England, just wait a few minutes - Mark Twain

While most of the time I tend to agree with Mark Twain on this, this past week has proven us both wrong. As the city gets plummeted with nothing but dark rainy days I find that despite liking the occasional rainy day this continued "grey out" is starting to affect me. ( predicts that we will be blessed with about another week of this kind of weather.

Trying to make the most of rainy days can sometimes be a challenge. While the prospect of trying to accomplish all I had hoped for in Boston during these last few months has been slightly derailed, it does allow for other things to get accomplished...mainly cleaning.

That being said the pile of books next to my bedside calls me, as does the list of movies I have been dying to see...finally rented Slumdog Millionaire and just finished The Simpsons Movie and Dazed and Confused. I shall never underestimate the powers of procrastination after this week...

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