Sunday, June 7, 2009

From the Bedside Table

I shall try to paint a picture of the last 36 hours or so:

I am sitting admits a fortress of pillows, resting upon one of many ice packs. On my night stand there consists a mess of used cups and pill bottles, as well as a half eaten bag of popcorn. Several movies also stack up nicely next the roll of cash in case of an emergency trip to the ER again. And of course through it all is my trusty stuffed rabbit who is currently sitting perched next to me in bed as I type this up in my pain killer induced state.

What caused this you ask? Two little discs in my spine that decided to leave my spine during a fall. I can't say I blame them - I am a 23 year old klutz who has been known on occasion to fall going up stairs rather than down.

So needless to say I have decided to stay in this weekend. Catch up on some reading, watch TV, check out some movies, learn to cross-stitch...or (as is most likely going to be the case) stay in bed and sleep...One thing I have learned is this: you never know how important something is (say like a few spinal discs) until something goes wrong.

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