Sunday, May 18, 2008

Shopping on a rainy Sunday...

Once again Boston had a forecast of rain for the day, thus forcing us to relocate to the indoors...again. So what is a girl to do on a rainy Sunday! Me and my roommate decided to hit up the Natick Collection ( aka "The Former Natick Mall." Each time I visit the re-vamped version of this mall I am continuely amazed by how many stores they have managed to cram into this tiny area (and they are adding more!). One place that I had yet to visit was Moonstruck Cafe ( which had tons of truffles and chocolate beverages for all chocolate lovers. They had tons of yummy samples and the staff was extremely nice. While the original purpose of this excursion was to find some silver shoes for the wedding my only real purchases were a wedding card from Papyrus ( and body butter from Sephora ( in Guava Passion. I definitely reccomend both, but I am still in need of those silver shoes...ahh the frustration. Guess that means more shopping days!

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