Thursday, April 23, 2009

Freedom From Excuses

It's a funny thing about finishing up finals. Where there was once complete and utter dread has now been replaced with a breathe of fresh air. And still (being the anxiety - filled stress ball that I am) I am aware that I have no excuses. This will be the last true summer I get to enjoy before graduate school. All the excuses that I made before about being too busy to sight see the area, read a book, learn something new, start a budget, watch a movie, start a new exercise program, etc. are all nilled by the fact that I have three blissful months of seemingly stress free time. True I do have a part time job and some responsibilities in terms of things I need to get settled in my new city, but I basically have a span of time that is completely not scheduled.

As per usual I definitely have a list of things I want to do/see this summer...but I see myself being contented with just trying something new every day. I can't say it will always happen, but that will be my goal for the summer...

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