Saturday, April 18, 2009

Jillian Michaels

I can honestly say I have never really followed The Biggest Loser (see previous posts on how I feel about reality TV), but I did manage to get wind of her 30 Day Shred exercise video. Being a die hard fan of old school gyms I am somewhat skeptical of exercise videos. I believe the last video I ever did was a Richard Simmons tape (don't ask). So when I noticed that the Shred 30 exercises were available free onDemand I decided that it was worth checking out. Needless to say I was not disappointed and have been sore for days.

Michaels combines cardio and full body strength training in order to give the viewer a full body work out in only 30 minutes. There is no resting here, instead each exercise immediately proceeds the other so that no time is wasted. After only 7 minutes I was sweating buckets. Along with Michaels two other women demonstrate the exercises, one advanced and one less advanced.

What I really liked about this video was that it was quick, provided a challenging workout, only required two hand weights, and I still felt results. Additionally Michaels was not only encouraging but realistic in her pep talks. She also stressed form and commented on how the other women were performing the exercises, which I feel is not adequately discussed in most workout videos I have seen. The only con that I saw with this video was that it felt very geared toward women. I feel that the video itself might have benefited from having at least one male demonstrator. Additionally maybe helpers who weren't so physically ripped as it was somewhat intimidating.

Thoroughly enjoyed this video and look forward to the others available for free (can't lose!).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

very informative details thanks for that, nice article